Comboni Missions Magazine Brings Home Awards

Comboni Missions Magazine Brings Home Awards

During this year’s Catholic Media Awards, sponsored by the Catholic Media Association, the Comboni Missions Magazine brought home five awards! Congratulations to editor Kathleen M. Carroll and the entire team that works hard creating this magazine. 3rd Place...
Local Parish Boosts Missions

Local Parish Boosts Missions

Students and staff at Malele Secondary School in Kitwe, Zambia, received much-needed computers through a grant from teh IHM Empowerment Fund. Maura Lamb is an intern with the Comboni Missionaries, North American Province. By: Maura Lamb The Immaculate Heart of Mary...
Learning to Live with the Bare Minimum

Learning to Live with the Bare Minimum

We must give them the means to take control of their lives… Father Deogratias Nyumu By: Father Deogratias Nyumu I arrived in Mozambique in 2017, shortly after my ordination. After a period of introduction to the language, culture, and sociopastoral reality of...
The Heart of Christ and Radical Apostolic Love

The Heart of Christ and Radical Apostolic Love

Fr Louis Okot is a Comboni Missionary from South Sudan. He is serving at St. Lucy Parish in Newark, New Jersey. The Heart of Christ as the source of a radical Apostolic love… Jn 10:16 In the morning of my departure from my village in July 1997 to Kenya and then to...

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