Plan A Visit 

For more than 150 years, the Comboni Missionaries have traveled to nearly every corner of the world, sharing the good news of Christ and working to protect the dignity of all people. Founded in 1867 by St. Daniel Comboni, the Comboni Missionaries are an international Catholic organization dedicated to ministering to the world’s poorest and most abandoned people. We are delighted to share our story with young people. When a missionary visits your school, classroom, special group, or organization you will learn about our mission, where we serve, the people we serve, and why we do what we do. Presentations and discussions can be tailored to your needs. Here is just some of the information we can share:

  • Mission projects
  • Global issues and how we respond – food shortage, water scarcity, education, etc.
  • Personal vocation story
  • First-hand experience in a mission
  • What a missionary does
  • Artifacts and items from the mission

Depending on where you are located in North America we could have a missionary priest, sister, lay missionary, volunteer or lay employee visit you. We are also happy to set up virtual visits through Skype or Zoom. Our Cincinnati Mission Center is also open for field trips to our mission museum which is full of artifacts from around the world. In December, our animated Nativity Display is open nightly for two weeks and during the day by appointment.

Schedule Your Visit


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