Strong institutions depend on transparency or, failing that, the consistent pressure and exposure of a free and independent press. Here are 5 ways to support high-quality journalism:

  1. Subscribe to a reputable news outlet. Accurate and timely reportage requires time, travel, and resources. Whether your preferred news sources is printed or digital, be willing to pay to support it.
  2. Get your information from diverse sources. No one outlet has the whole story. Use a variety of sources to help inform your opinions and your actions.
  3. Support local news. Smaller newsrooms are scraping by on shoestring budgets. Consider a subscription to your local paper, visit a news channel’s website, or simply opt to get your weather and traffic from a local station.
  4. Share good stories. Not just feel-good stories, but important and well-researched articles. Do what you can to increase the reach and audience for good journalism.
  5. Be an advocate. Participate in your community news with op-eds, letters to the editor, or comments on a website. Tell your family and friends about the importance of a free press. If you have information to share, register as a source at Help a Reporter.
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